Candyss Crosby has taught meditation and mindfulness since the early 1990’s, has held Corporate based Creativity and Team Building Workshops in the workplace, facilitated outback painting workshops, and has been an art educator for over 27 years. Her undeniable passion for inspiring innovation and creativity in people’s lives shows in her dedication to sharing her wisdom throughout the years. Candyss has inspired many people with her public speaking, education, music and paintings. Her fun vibe, experience, knowledge, empathy and passion allows her to deliver unique talks around innovation, taking risks, vulnerability, self awareness, the importance of meditation and staying authentic and being in the flow state.

Candyss believes creativity is not just for the ‘artistic’ – she believes non-creatives just don’t exist. She is all about producing or thinking in a different way by starting to focus more around self expression, self reflection, curiousity, staying open and explorative, looking & listening with intention, and strengthening connection with yourself and others.

Candyss believes the Creative Process is healing and transformative and plays a huge part in inclusivity.

“More than ever before we need it in our lives to spark joy, to find peace of mind & body, and to live a fulfilling life of understanding and meaning”

Speaking always from experience Candyss has the ability to get everyone laughing, feel alive and upbeat and begin to understand their individual creative process. She shares tips and information to take home and start living a more confident creative life.

Engaging Candyss as a keynote speaker definitely ignites everyone’s passion! People feel inspired to think and work from a new place, from their authentic Creative Self; and to nurture and transform their inner creative world.

To enquire or book Candyss as a keynote speaker CLICK HERE